Are you considering adding more memory to your Mac? Maybe macOS is complaining about the lack of space; perhaps your apps are running more slowly...
Do you really need additional RAM? Analyze your memory usage, with Activity Monitor

Are you considering adding more memory to your Mac? Maybe macOS is complaining about the lack of space; perhaps your apps are running more slowly...
There’s a number of compression formats that are commonly used for audio. If you only ever play your audio using the same piece of software, and...
One of Apple’s latest innovations, is Mojave’s “Dynamic Desktop.” This new, Dynamic Desktop cycles through 16 images automatically, based on the time...
While every MacBook comes with a built-in keyboard, many users opt to use an external keyboard instead, either because they find it easier to type on a full...
Apple’s voice control assistant has finally found its way onto macOS, with the release of macOS Sierra. In this article, we’re going to cover everything you...
In macOS 10.7, Apple made the decision to hide the user’s Library folder by default.
If your Mac is stood idle for a significant period of time, then you’ll usually want it to drift off to sleep. Not only does sleeping help preserve your Mac’s...
PIP is currently only available in iTunes and Safari. Plus, you can only view a website’s content in PIP mode if that particular website has implemented PIP...
There’s nothing quite as frustrating as being stuck in an airport with nothing to do, especially if your flight is delayed. Many airports offer complimentary...
It can happen so gradually that you barely notice it, until one day you realise that you can get up and make a cup of tea in the time it takes your Mac to boot...
Have you ever wanted to try out a completely different operating system? If you’re curious to see whether the grass really is greener on the other side, then...
Thinking of selling your Mac? Or maybe you’re planning to do a good deed and pass your old Mac along to a friend or family member? Regardless of whether you’re...
The Internet has completely revolutionised the way we access information. When you’re connected to the World Wide web, it often feels like you have all the...
Ask anyone to name their biggest Internet pet peeve, and odds are they’re going to say spam. Spam has always been annoying, but nowadays spam is no longer...
Whether you’re sending an important email to a work colleague or simply dropping a friend a quick reminder about what time you’re meeting for lunch, email has...
The latest release of macOS Sierra (update 10.10.2, if you’re counting) saw an interesting change, as Apple removed a long-standing feature of the Mac user...
Your typical Mac comes with a wide range of built-in keyboard shortcuts that can seriously boost your productivity and generally make using your Mac more...
Kodi is a free media player that allows users to stream films and TV programmes over the Internet. Kodi can run on a wide range of platforms, from computers...
Webcams are a great way of keeping in touch with friends and family, and may even come in handy for taking the occasional photo – but could someone with...
Smartphone cameras have come a long way in recent years, to the point where digital camera sales have dropped off dramatically – and iPhones are no...
Back in October 2016, Apple unveiled their brand new MacBook Pro – and introduced an unexpected new feature. The 2016 MacBook Pro saw the removal of the...
Notifications are crucial for keeping you informed about events that are happening across your Mac, but also across the World Wide Web. Notifications can give...
AirPlay (formerly called AirTunes) provides Apple users with a way of streaming media from one device to another over a local network, typically their home Wi...
Never run out of memory again! We’re all guilty of clogging up our computers with things we don’t really need. No matter how large your Mac’s built-in memory...
Purchasing a new Mac is always exciting, but before you can dive in and start enjoying your shiny new laptop, there’s the small matter of migrating everything...
Your Mac’s Launchpad provides a single place where you can launch all the apps installed across your Mac, without having to pin every last app to your Mac’s...
Malware, leakware, scareware, spyware, adware - it seems like there’s an ever-growing list of threats Mac users need to be aware of.
Do you find yourself performing the same boring, monotonous tasks time and time again? Folder Actions is a powerful, but often-overlooked, feature of MacOS...