Are you considering adding more memory to your Mac? Maybe macOS is complaining about the lack of space; perhaps your apps are running more slowly...
Do you really need additional RAM? Analyze your memory usage, with Activity Monitor

Are you considering adding more memory to your Mac? Maybe macOS is complaining about the lack of space; perhaps your apps are running more slowly...
There’s a number of compression formats that are commonly used for audio. If you only ever play your audio using the same piece of software, and...
One of Apple’s latest innovations, is Mojave’s “Dynamic Desktop.” This new, Dynamic Desktop cycles through 16 images automatically, based on the time...
When your Mac’s USB ports aren’t detecting your devices this can become a very big problem – thumb drives, external hard drives and optical drives are all...
This morning I was awoken by a worried friend in the midst of attempting to reformat his Mac’s hard drive and reinstall OS X. Having taken my advice to hold...
Unless youve been hiding under a very large rock for the last few days you will no doubt be aware that Apple has finally announced the iPhone 5. In this post...
Has YouTube been running slow for you lately? Before the symptoms of Internet Streaming Deprivation (ISD, if you’re interested) lead you to hurl your PC at the...
When Apple announced that in the next iteration of their mobile operating system, iOS 6, they would be replacing the previously default Google Maps app with...
There are times when it can be handy to know which other devices are on your local network. For example, suppose that you need to know whether a certain device...
Being an owner of both a Mac and a PlayStation 3, I stumbled across a great piece of software called PS3 Media Server, a free way to stream various media types...
Please note to deploy your app you must be a registered apple developer ($99/year). Get started by going to the member centre – iOS Provisioning Profile:...
I often see many people with boring default Mac Desktops and Wallpapers. This selection of sites and apps will help you add a bit of individuality to your Mac.
Submitting your app to apple can be a very scary process. This guide will help you get your app onto the app store and hopefully earn you some cash...
Creating games for the appstore in objective-c can be very complicated. If you learn some of these useful tools/engines you will soon be creating games in no...
Apples MacBook Air is ideal for travelers considering the thin, light weight and long lasting battery life – with hours of online charge and up to 30...
In this tutorial I will show you how to not only create your own screensaver but how to set your screensaver as your desktop background. Yes the screensaver...
The ability to hold ctrl down whilst scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out on your mouse or touchpad used to be enabled by default on OS X. Seemingly...
OS X Mountain Lion is Apple’s latest and greatest Mac OS, so it’s no surprise that it’s already become a hit with Mac users everywhere. Even...
Applescript Editor is a default app on OS X, located in the Utilities folder in Finder, and is something that can come in very useful. Like all computer...
OS X Mountain Lion (note that it’s not called “Mac OS X” any more) has just been released and the first thing many people will have done is...
A friend of mine has set his device to play an ominous tune each time an email is sent – and it’s not hard to understand why. If we had a penny for every...
So, enticed by smooth gestures, full-screen apps and an iOS-like Launchpad, you’ve made the move to Apple’s latest big cat, Lion. The company’s made no secret...
Occasionally, Apple releases important firmware upgrades for the Mac which help to resolve critical hardware issues or simply add support for new features...
Memory management is a very important aspect of Mac OS. You will often find your mac running slow, after you have been using it for a few hours. This is due to...
iTunes is one of those applications which people either love or hate; besides accusations that it’s too bloated and tries to do too much, it’s...
Sometimes your computer just gets upset and starts to heat up on you and I mean really heat up. When you run multiple programs your using a lot of cpu, big...
When you have just splashed out on a new Mac or wish to stress test your old machine (for example before and after a memory or SSD upgrade), there are a...
The situation may be especially familiar to iPad users: having amassed a sizeable DVD collection over the years, you wish to transfer your favourites over to...